Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good Review of Gone to Ground!

Below is the full text of the review of Gone to Ground that appeared in the special Spring Lit edition of the North Bay Bohemian (April 8 - 14, Vol 30.47).

"It was about a week after my sixth birthday when this social worker showed up where Mom and me lived in Redding. She found me asleep on the sofa, TV still on. Woke me up and told me she'd died. Mom." So begins "Learning to See Fish," one of 10 stories in Sonoma County writer Michael David Fels' new collection 'Gone to Ground.' The title piece finds a divorced father of two rather happily living in a nice, big hole that he's dug, a pleasure marred only because the boys aren't allowed to spend their weekend with him in it, 10 feet below the earth's crust. Using many different narrative voices, employing dialect and setting his characters in rough circumstances as well as more "ordinary" arcs familiar to North Bay residents, Fels has created a lovely swath of humanity to people his pages.

Gone to Ground is now available through independent and on-line booksellers.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Book Signing at the Russian River Reader

Thanks to Susan Ryan, proprietor of the excellent Russian River Reader bookstore, for hosting an evening that highlighted Gone to Ground on April 9.

The room was filled to capacity and after forty-minutes of reading (I read the title story, "Gone to Ground" and one of the three, short memoirs, "Mr. Bulldozer) and answering questions, Susan served strawberry shortcake and soft drinks.

I signed quite a few books and chatted with several several folks, including the Poet Laureate of Sonoma County, Mike Tuggle.

A nice review in the "Local Lit" section of the North Bay Bohemian had come out that morning, so all-in-all, it was a good day!

Gone to Ground is available
through independent and on-line booksellers everywhere

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Save the date!

I'll be reading from Gone to Ground this Thursday, April 9th, at the River Reader in Guerneville. Seven PM. Refreshments? Sure, and from what I hear, they are delicious.

Susan Ryan is the proprietor of the River Reader and she is looking forward to a good turnout. Before the reading, Luisa and I will be having dinner at the Taco Truck in the Safeway Parking lot. It's supposed to be terrific!

See you there?