Monday, March 9, 2009

Care to write a review?

I've just finished reading two Michael Pollan books: The Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food. Both are powerful and clarifying statements that illuminate what and how we eat and how that impacts our health and the health of the planet.

Now (thanks to Anthony Solana) I'm engaged in reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. If you think that I'm behind in my non-fiction reading, you're right!!

The Tipping Point has made me realize that I'm not doing enough to promote Gone to Ground. Yes, books have been sold (I just received my royalty check for February and we're going out for pizza!!). Most sales have been through Readings/signings at the Four-Eyed Frog in Gualala and the River Reader in Guerneville are planned for March, but I think there is more to do.

Here's my question: If you have read Gone to Ground, would you be willing to write a short review for You needn't have bought the book from them. Just log on to, go to "books"; go to "Michael David Fels"; click on Gone to Ground and say something about the book.

What can it hurt?

Also . . . if you enjoyed reading the book and think that others might, would you consider asking your local bookstore (anywhere!) if they would consider to host a reading/signing? I will arrange for a complimentary copy of the book to be sent to the bookstore so they know what they are getting into.

Have books, will travel.

Here's to good reading, good writing, good sharing!


Gone to Ground is available at; and at independent bookstores everywhere.

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